Flower Delivery Service

Same Day Delivery

Same day deliveries must be received by 2pm GMT, orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.

Delivery Days

We deliver flowers from 9.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Saturday. Unfortunately we do not deliver on Sundays. If an order is received for a Sunday it will be delivered the next working day.

Delivery Charges

  • Clane Town:  €3.50
  • Prosperous, Donadea, Rathcoffey, Sallins, Straffan: €5
  • Naas, Allenwood, Kill: €6
  • Celbridge, Leixlip, Newbridge, Carbury: €8
  • Maynooth, Derrinturn: €10
  • Delivery outside of these areas but in Ireland: €10
  • Delivery outside of Ireland: €10
  • Delivery to USA: €15